1 (905) 833-5122 info@sparkinnovations.com
Industrial Design

Industrial Design

Industrial designers are professionals that focus on the aesthetic and functional aspects of product development in various industries, including manufacturing, consumer goods, electronics, medical, dental, industrial, sports & recreation, textiles, and more. Industrial designers work to create products that are not only visually appealing but also practical, user-friendly, and efficient.

Product Concepts

Industrial designers collaborate with clients to brainstorm and develop product concepts. They consider factors such as user needs, market trends, materials, and manufacturing processes.

Product Concepts

Product Concepts

Industrial designers collaborate with clients to brainstorm and develop product concepts. They consider factors such as user needs, market trends, materials, and manufacturing processes.

Sketching and 3D Modeling

Designers create sketches and digital 3D models to visualize their concepts and refine product ideas. This helps clients and stakeholders understand the design direction.

Sketching and 3D Modeling

Sketching and 3D Modeling

Designers create sketches and digital 3D models to visualize their concepts and refine product ideas. This helps clients and stakeholders understand the design direction.

Iterations & Variation

Early on in the design process, Industrial Designer may develop many variations of a design, this process communicates many ideas internally and with clients, it aids in selecting a design that meets the project criteria without missing any peripheral designs.

Industrial Design Iterations & Variation
Industrial Design Iterations & Variation

Iterations & Variation

Early on in the design process, Industrial Designer may develop many variations of a design, this process communicates many ideas internally and with clients, it aids in selecting a design that meets the project criteria without missing any peripheral designs.

Industrial Design User-Centered Design

User-Centered Design

Industrial designers prioritize user experience, ensuring that products are easy to use, comfortable, and meet the needs of the target audience. Human factors and ergonomics play a significant role in this process.

Renderings & Aesthetics

Renderings is a form of digital high-quality, photo-realistic, or stylized visual representations of 3D objects, spaces, or environments. Renderings are used for marketing, promotional materials, or client communications, without the need for physical prototypes. Aesthetics is an extension of styling a product to look a certain way, to capture an effect, look or feeling of a product. Rendering a 3D model can capture an aesthetic closely resembling the finished product.

Industrial Design Renderings & Aesthetics

Renderings & Aesthetics

Renderings is a form of digital high-quality, photo-realistic, or stylized visual representations of 3D objects, spaces, or environments. Renderings are used for marketing, promotional materials, or client communications, without the need for physical prototypes. Aesthetics is an extension of styling a product to look a certain way, to capture an effect, look or feeling of a product. Rendering a 3D model can capture an aesthetic closely resembling the finished product.

Industrial Design Materials & Manufacturing

Materials & Manufacturing

Understanding of materials and manufacturing processes to make design choices that are both functional and cost-effective is an essential part of the industrial design process. At Spark our designers work closely with engineers and manufacturers to ensure the product can be produced efficiently.