1 (905) 833-5122 info@sparkinnovations.com
The Bite Block

Bite Block

The pet bite block was an idea developed and realized by the Spark team, we currently produce and sell this product on our sister site here. The bite block is designed to help pet owners brush their dogs teeth.

The block is designed to fit on the finger and be placed into the dog’s mouth, distracting them while their teeth are brushed.

Paw Ready 2023: www.pawready.com

Bite Block

The pet bite block was an idea developed and realized by the Spark team, we currently produce and sell this product on our sister site here. The bite block is designed to help pet owners brush their dogs teeth.

The block is designed to fit on the finger and be placed into the dog’s mouth, distracting them while their teeth are brushed.

The Bite Block | Pet Teeth Brushing aid
The Bite Block | Pet Teeth Brushing aid
Pet Teeth Brushing aid
The Bite Block in an array of colors
The Bite Block Packaging


The design of the bite block was intended to be comfortable to both the owner and the pet. The curves and shapes of the block prevent uncomfortable pinch points, and its design naturally aligns along the dog’s bite line, preventing accidental hand bites.


The design of the bite block was intended to be comfortable to both the owner and the pet. The curves and shapes of the block prevent uncomfortable pinch points, and its design naturally aligns along the dog’s bite line, preventing accidental hand bites.

The Bite Block Section
The Bite Block in use
The Bite Block Prototypes