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3d printing out of this world

3d printing is not only becoming very common in today’s world but now there are 3D printers in outer space.

NASA is doing some amazing explorations: 3D Printing in Zero-G, 3D printing rocket parts and even 3D printing food. Check out these amazing articles on 3D printing and what NASA is doing to push the limits of 3D printing capabilities.

3D Printing in zero-G technology was experimented and demonstrated that it works normally in space:


The International Space Station’s 3-D printer has manufactured the first 3-D printed object in space, Made In Space, Inc., the space manufacturing company worked with NASA to design, build and test a 3-D printer:


NASA has 3D printed a full scale copper rocket engine part. The NASA engineers are making huge advances with additive manufacturing and reducing the time and cost of making these parts:


They have even been experimenting a process for 3D printing in two different alloys. Using an advanced laser printing method, the agency has produced a bi-metallic rocket igniter that really works:


And if this isn’t enough along with a Texas company they are exploring the possibility of using a “3D printer” on deep space missions to print food! The current food system wouldn’t meet the nutritional needs and five-year shelf life required for a mission to Mars or other long duration missions. NASA recognizes in-space and additive manufacturing offers the potential for new mission opportunities:


Three-dimensional printing offers a fast and inexpensive way to manufacture parts on-site and on-demand, a huge benefit to long-term missions with restrictions on weight and room for cargo.

If you need a 3d print or 3D prototype of your idea or invention “not so out of this world” contact Spark today!