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Patenting your Ideas

This is another very helping blog that was worthy of updating and re-posting! Here you will find the basic information of patenting an idea!

Do you have a great idea? Are you looking for ways to protect your idea, or have you had thoughts of patenting that idea? This post will help you understand what patents can do for you and the process involved in securing a patent.

Through a patent, the government gives you, the inventor, the right to stop others from making, using, or selling your invention from the day the patent is granted to a maximum of 20 years after the day on which you filed your patent application. You can profit from your patent too, by selling it, licensing it, or using it as an asset to negotiate funding.

Inventors: all of this sounds very promising but no matter what you may have heard or read, you cannot just walk into a patent office and patent your idea. If you have a great idea and would like to protect it by patenting it, there are a few steps involved. Here at Spark Innovations we will guide you through the entire process to make your idea into an invention that can be properly protected.

Patent an Idea 4

USPTO Patent Search Help


The most important thing to do before filing a patent is a patent search. Just because you don’t see your invention on Google doesn’t mean it hasn’t already been invented. Each patent agent looks into their own country’s database to compare your invention with ideas that are already protected. If you are planning on filing a US patent you should do a patent search with the United States Patent and Trademark Office: http://www.uspto.gov/patents-application-process/search-patents; the same applies to all other countries in which you plan on applying.

Do I really need to patent my idea

Patent Services

The second thing you need to patent your idea is drawings. If your idea is currently just in your mind’s eye, we will help you with the ideation and development of concepts until that idea has a form of its own. First we will create a series of sketches based on the description of your idea. When it’s approved by you, the inventor, we will re-create those sketches in a 3D computer program to create 2D drawings. Patent drawings have specific requirements. They contain reference numbers used by the patent lawyers as the detailed description is drafted. The detailed description is used to describe what is being shown in the figures. The patent drawings have to respect a set of rules, like margins, font sizes, and layouts. The drawings of your invention must show every detail of the invention and omit anything irrelevant. Patent drawings must show the invention from several views and include an exploded view, if applicable. Creating the right patent drawings is essential to better communication with the patent office.

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Get started with your patent! We can help!

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Patent Drawings Toronto

The third thing your patent needs is the right description. At Spark Innovations we will also help you create the proper wording to describe your invention. You need to provide the patent office you are applying to with a clear and concise explanation of what the invention is and what it does. Each drawing and the numeric references have to coincide with the perfect explanation. The patent application for your invention needs an abstract, a description, and the claims. We will word your document in the right way in order to create broader protection for your claims.

None of these steps are simple. Patent applications may seem like a daunting task but here at Spark Innovations we will work with you until you have filed your patent. After your patent is filed and you are waiting for a response, we will also help you complete the entire design development of your invention. Check out this blog so you can see what we can do for you!