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COVID UPDATE: Self-Improvement Month
September is self- improvement month! Take advantage of some of the extra time the pandemic has afforded us and focus on ways to feel a sense of accomplishment.
The potential silver lining to staying home and practicing physical distancing is that many people may have more free time to set goals and accomplish tasks that had been set to the side when our lives were more hectic.
Hardware stores have been booming throughout the pandemic. People cleaned up the dusty garage or basement and finished that furniture or home improvement projects.
Sales of second-hand exercise equipment that was probably going to be tossed out is fetching an impressive price. People needed to keep their minds busy and what better way than to increase physical activity to improve their health.
People with love for food started digging out their secret recipes. Putting more time and love into home-cooked meals.
For many of us, we have had an opportunity to reset our work-life balance. Now that we are starting to settle into this “new normal”. We can use the positive lessons learned and apply them to our everyday life.
Check out these tips to help you get on the self-improvement bandwagon:
Self-Improvement Tips
- Start a new project – Make a list of all the things you would like to do.
- Complete old projects – Finish that project that you have put aside.
- Take an online class – try learning to dance or a new language or trade or exploring general interests.
- Learn how to cook: Google some exciting recipes and surprise yourself and your loved ones.
- Workout – Stay strong both mentally and physically.
- Meditation – Uncover how you can learn to breathe and meditate to help relax your body and mind.
- Reading: Pick up that book you left in the drawer months ago. It does not matter if it is about personal development or if you are obsessed with fantasy. This is a great time to immerse yourself in a good book.
- Explore a new Idea –: Maybe it’s time to finally bring that product idea to the market. Go for it, give us a call!
Celebrate Self- improvement month! Use this time to discover a new passion or rekindle a forgotten interest. Change those old habits and make new ones that fulfill your life in positive ways. Now is a great time to fill your soul with new activity.
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