What to Look For When Hiring an Industrial Designer
Have you ever had an idea you wanted to bring to life and thought about what to look for when hiring an industrial designer? An industrial designer should possess key qualities and characteristics that set them apart from other designers. When selecting an industrial designer that is best suited for you as an inventor and your idea, there are several different aspects you should consider. It is vital to pay attention to these various factors as they could make or break your industrial design.
First things first #1- The Portfolio
Before hiring an industrial designer, it is essential to see past products that they have designed; including original sketches that “tell all.” Seeing an industrial designer’s past sketches will help you determine the feasibility of your idea, as well as the ways that they are innovative in their designs. Being innovative is key as an industrial designer to incorporate unique and exciting characteristics that integrate existing technologies into new products. It is also important to note that a good portfolio consists of cooperative working relationships with clients, as industrial designers must be able to communicate with the client to tailor their designs exactly to the client’s needs. At Spark, our designers bridge the gap between desires of product users and the needs of product makers through creative thought, teamwork, and experience. Our designers assess the needs and wants of the client and translate them into feasible designs for products that can be effectively manufactured and engineered.
#2- The Team
A good industrial design is never done by one person alone, as results are amplified with multiple hands helping. Different perspectives will be taken into account, as well as different ways to tackle the given idea to make it stand out in a way like no other. Working with a team of designers of multiple backgrounds is beneficial, as the end result may be extremely more compelling than what one person could do. Look no further than our team at Spark Innovations! Industrial design is one of our key strengths as our team specializes in the process of generating and developing concepts that enhance the function, use, and appearance of a product for the benefit of both the manufacturer and the user.
#3- Experience
You must look for experience when hiring an industrial designer, as their experience may lend a helping hand in understanding the success of their past products. It is important to gauge if the designer has the capability to understand your company’s purpose and goal to envision your product accurately. This goes hand in hand with making sure that the industrial designer has the proper skill set required to complete the task. This includes software, tool set, a user-centric mindset, IT skills, etc.
At Spark, our industrial designers’ product design skills are proven, as we have been involved in the design of products like electric and manual toothbrushes, medical devices, tape dispensers, wheelchairs, scooters, night lights, hockey helmets and hardhats. Since 1989 our industrial design team has focussed on and succeeded in generating products that sell, which have generated millions in revenues worldwide.
See more at https://www.sparkinnovations.com/
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