Why Go On Dragon’s Den?
Dragons’ Den; the ultimate platform for entrepreneurs and inventors to present their ideas to a wealthy panel of millionaires. Why should you do this you might ask? Well, there are many reasons why going on Dragon’s Den is a great idea. This is one of the many routes you can take with your idea, aiming for funding and exposure along the ride. This panel has the resources, the cash, and experience to help further your business venture and dreams to make it happen.
You might be hesitant, but why not? What is there to lose? You might think your product or business isn’t ready, but there is no such thing as ready in the Dragons’ Den. The panel has invested and bet on businesses in all different stages of development. Spark Innovations has worked on products that have also been featured on Dragons’ Den and has helped kickstart and further the company’s business venture. The Ball Cap Liner and the Drywall Axe are two amazing examples of products Spark has worked on that got featured on the den.
Some Dragon’s Den Success Stories
The Drywall Axe, a 3 in 1 tool that combines a tape measure, blade, and writing utensil got 4 out of 5 offers from the Dragons! Spark worked on the industrial design and mechanical engineering behind this product’s development and going on the Den has helped advance and promote this amazing product. The Drywall Axe has sold at Canadian Tire, and since taking Arlene Dickinson’s deal they have cracked the American market hitting shelves at Lowe’s in America and other outlets in the country. Going on Dragon’s Den was extremely beneficial for this product and was a once in a lifetime experience.

The Baseball Cap Liner was created due to a notice that pitchers kept being hit by baseballs in Major League Baseball. If it was happening in the big leagues, who’s to say it was happening in youth teams. They wanted to create something to protect our youth. Spark helped develop this product all the way from the concept creation to industrial design, etc. The creators left Dragons Den with a deal from Joe Mimran, Michele Romanow, and Michael Wekerle. On the contrary, progessing even further, they signed a deal with the two largest baseball associations in the United States: The Babe Ruth League and the Cal Ripken League. Their business dream and venture just began. The Baseball Cap Liner received the green light to be sold to high schools, is the official fielders’ head protection for both leagues and sold at camps and tournaments, and they have started the process of configuring other products to develop to expand the company.

The Tiara Cap is another one of Spark’s projects that was featured on the Den. Spark’s industrial design team worked on the product to perfect the Tiara Cap exactly to what the client wanted. The Tiara Shower Cap is a shower cap with a tiara shape to avoid marks that may turn into wrinkles with a comfortable elastic on the back. The Cap is terry lined and is super comfortable and cozy, while locking up that frizz that we all want to avoid!

This next product had one main vision that they wanted to share with the world which was making cleaning hand fun. Our team at Spark helped design this product from start to finish, the very first faucet attached kids soap dispenser; Wet Heads! Wet Heads makes cleaning hands fun and creates an engaging and fun experience for the kids and their parents. Hands are clean, the bathroom doesn’t get messy, and germs begone! This product was also presented on the den and is super eye catching, especially for the target market of kids.

An amazing speaker stand is another great product featured on the Den. They specialize in audio isolation products, creating perfect sounds for you to hear from whichever set up you choose. Their products combine an outstanding acoustic performance, with high level of clarity and opening for music enthusiasts to enjoy. The brand has grown rapidly due to their excellence of application and visual designs.

The Fruit Fly Hotel is another example of a great product Spark worked on that was featured on the Den. It is a fruit fly trap that is designed to re-take your household space from any fruit flies that may come about. It is simple, effective, re-usable, and extremely clean.

Going on Dragons’ Den can be life changing and a once in a lifetime experience. Instead of questioning why to go, think about why you haven’t gone yet.
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